Dental Care

What To Do After Wisdom Teeth Removal

What To Do After Wisdom Teeth Removal Posted On
Posted By Steffy Alen

Having a wisdom teeth extracted is never pleasant. But it can be less traumatic if you follow the appropriate “pre and post-intervention” recommendations and comply with the dentist’s instructions about the drugs (antibiotics, analgesics, anti-inflammatories) you should take. But for today we will be looking at after the extraction

Basic Care After Extraction

After extraction of any tooth or molar, it is very important to follow some guidelines during the hours (and days) since these cares depend on whether or not possible complications arise.

● Do Not Leave The Gauze For Many Hours.

Its purpose is to “cut” the bleeding. If it remains in place longer, alveolitis is sometimes generated, which is an infection in the tooth’s space. You can place new gauze for another hour if the bleeding continues when you remove the previous one. If it does not stop after repeating this process 3 or 4 times, you should see a doctor.

● Don’t Rinse For The First 24 Hours.

When extracting a tooth, the hole it occupies (the alveolus) is plugged by a blood clot that prevents excessive bleeding and allows healing. With the rinses, it could come off, generating bleeding or infection.

● If There Is Swelling, Apply Cold, Never Heat.

It is recommended to put ice wrapped in a cloth for a couple of minutes (if you exceed the time, You can also generate the infection) several times a day on the area.

● Avoid Hot Spots.

At home, it is better that the environment is somewhat cool and, if it is winter, it is better that you dress warmly instead of turning on the heating. Think that heat facilitates inflammation and thus infection.

● Do Not Smoke Or Drink Alcohol.

Tobacco increases the temperature of the area, which can dissolve the clot, in addition to containing many toxins that can cause infection. But you shouldn’t smoke for 48 hours, either. Alcohol and medication are incompatible.

● Be Careful When Brushing Your Teeth.

After the extraction, you can brush your teeth, but with caution. It is better not to spit the water out but to let it slip from the mouth during the first day. Also do not touch the affected area with the brush for at least 48 hours. It is also advisable to brush the tongue because the amount of blood that comes from the extraction generates bad breath.

● Keep The Wound Clean.

From the day after the extraction, and for a week, you can do gentle rinses. It is best to use a non-alcoholic mouthwash or warm salt water. The important thing is to make sure that no food remains in the wound.

Eat And Rest Properly

  • Eat only foods that are easy to chew or mashed up and cold or lukewarm.
  • Vitamin C (citrus) and zinc (green vegetables) help heal.
  • In the hours immediately after the extraction, do not lie down, sit down, and do not try not to talk.
  • For a few days, avoid activities that involve effort. Don’t exercise.
  • Sleep with your head elevated. Lying down, blood circulation slows down, and blood accumulates more in the head, favouring bleeding and pain. To avoid this, slightly raise the top of the mattress a couple of nights after removal.

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