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Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Implants

Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Implants

Although technology and human knowledge and skills have experienced considerable developments, on the other hand, the rate of confronting dental issues has significantly increased due to unhealthy ordinary lifestyles. Millions of people are suffering from a lost tooth every year, and this dental problem compels them to visit an expert dentist and find a suitable treatment sooner. Losing a tooth can be caused by many reasons like tooth decay, periodontal disease, and accidents. Still, the critical point is that you are mighty to have a great replacement just like your natural teeth. As a professional dentist who supplies affordable dental implants in Vancouver, the rate of having dental implants is amazingly growing, and people are more attracted to this dental procedure after knowing its advantages. It’s regular to have bunches of questions if you are thinking about having dental implants, and the best way is to visit a skilled implant dentist. By the way, reading the most frequently asked questions by patients in your shoes can be a great help!

What Is The Reason For Dental Implants’ Popularity?

Losing one or more teeth is a typical dental emergency that makes dental implants a popular dental procedure. Patients are interested in dental implants as they can restore individual missing teeth, multiple teeth, and they are also amazingly reliable and have a good appearance.

How Much Pain Should I Endure?

Depending on your health situation, the severity of pain after having dental implants is entirely different. However, usually, most patients face less amount of pain compared to their expectations. You won’t also experience intense discomfort and pain during the surgery and procedure as your implant dentist makes you numb by an anesthetic. Remember, the essential key to lessening your pain and having a pain-free healing time is to follow the commands of your implant dentist and be careful about the time of your prescribed medication.

Can I Have A Dental Implant After A Tooth Extraction?

Your implant dentist is required to make a small hole in an intended jawbone area that doesn’t have a tooth. Also, that area needs to consist of enough jawbone, which can hold your dental implants incredibly. Depending on the discretion of your implant dentist, he can place dental implants on the same day of tooth extraction, but you usually need to wait three to six months to be completely healed.

What About The Safety Of Dental Implants Procedures?

Nowadays, dental implants are considered a dental treatment used for many years, and now their technology is improving day by day. Dental implants are complicated devices that only trained implant dentists are allowed to use with them for treatments. So if you visit a reliable implant clinic, you can be sure that you will be safe.

How Long Can I Have Dental Implants?

Your dental implants can easily last forever by following your implant dentist’s tips and maintaining proper oral hygiene. But this durability is not guaranteed and is entirely affected by your genetic history, diet, hygiene procedures, etc.

Don’t forget to ask your implant dentist if you have any other left questions!

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